Thursday, January 8, 2015

We are at war

Whether we like it or not. The only choice we have is about how we will fight it. With guns, with education? With denial!?

a late comer to a conversation who wants to be included in the circle and doesn't have the patience to find out what was said before will often make a fool out of himself by saying irrelevant things. We all have seen the examples of this if not been the fool ourselves.

Charlie Hebdo mentality is a latecomer to the conversation! The reasons for this kind of attacks are not religious but economical, social and historical.

The war will not stop and it didn't start yesterday or 100 years ago. It is as old as our humanity or inhumanity. 

Avoid the mockery of the victim. The last thing a victim wants to put up with is mockery. Don't add insult to injury!

You all are intelligent people. Look up what the French did to the Muslim lands that is Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey(My hometown) Syria, Lebanon...
What the British did in Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine
What the Spanish did in Morocco...
What the American's and English are doing in the Middle east

History is filled with this from all sides. But we are still living in a colonial world and the culture of today is still affected by what was done during the colonization. And believe me it is not over.

Look up the millions of dead, the exploited resources and result of this people who live in poverty and ignorance as a result of your government then speak! If you must! 

Criticism is good but you have to start from your side. Then people might find you sincere. Otherwise you will not only make a fool of yourself but serve into the hand of everyone's enemy. 

This is a conversation. I am happy to be criticized. Would much rather have face to face talks but not always we have what we want.

In conclusion here is one of my favorite lines.

"A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the (F...) Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again."

That is from Alexander Pope. I would never be able to say such things. By the way he was never a pope!